News Letter – November, 2011

On Sunday, 02nd October, 2011, St. Joseph's Parish, Anadpur, honoured the senior citizens of the Parish and celebrated the day as Senior Citizens' Day. The celebration began with the Holy Eucharist. The youth of the Parish welcomed and brought them in to the Church with dance. After the Holy Mass there was a sharing session. Men and women of age and wisdom shared their experiences and vision. Rev. Fr. Raphael Monteiro, who guided the session, exhorted the senior citizen to live gracefully their old age and also gave some tips to face the challenges of the old age.
Conscience Building Seminar: Rev. Fr. John Crasta conducted a conscience building seminar for the Parishioners. The purpose of the seminar was to form a correct and just moral conscience in the everyday life of the people. The participants of the seminar were youth and married couples. The response from the people was good and encouraging.
On Sunday, October 02nd the Capuchin Fathers along with parishioners of the St. Anthony's Parish celebrated the Feast of St. Francis Assisi. Rev. Fr. Jottin Jose, OP, was the main celebrant of the concelebrated holy Eucharist. The parishioners staged a cultural programme. After the cultural programme all gathered together for a common meal and shared the festal joy.
Krus Vir Rally

Jamshedpur: The Jamshedpur Denery Krus Vir Rally was held at Loyola School, Sonari, on 01st and 02nd October, 2011. There were a total of 252 children who took part in the Rally. Keeping in mind the Golden Jubilee of the Diocese and the special thrust of the Jubilee year, the Rally too kept the theme “Towards the Fullness of Life”. Based on the theme various competitions and input sessions were organised. The Rally was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Augustine Eazhakunnel, SJ, the Rector of Loyola School. He hoisted the Krus Vir Flag and gave the inaugural address. Rev. Fr. Simplicius Khess, OP, welcomed the participants to the programme. Rev. Fr. Oscar Beck, Director of Pratheksha Propaedeutic Seminary, took up the input session, explaining to the Krus Virs, what should be the life style of a Krus Vir in the light of the theme. The rally came to end by lunch. Some members of the Youth too helped out in the whole programme.
On the first week of October, the youth of Dhanbad Deanery came together at Dhanbad Parish to officially call off the Year of Youth at the Deanery level. Youth from all the Parishes of the Deanery were present for the programme and showed much enthusiasm. Thus the two day programme became very encouraging. Most Rev. Felix Toppo, SJ, was the main celebrant of the concelebrated Holy Eucharist, which marked the conclusion of the Year of Youth at Dhanbad Deanery.
With a two day seminar for the Youth of the Parish, Prabhu Marsal Parish, Goilkera, concluded the Year of the Youth at the Parish. Rev. Frs. Sanjay Kujur, CSsR, Bipin Barla, Sr. Marta Kandulna along with Rev. Fr. Michael Jojo, the Parish Priest, conducted the Seminar. Input sessions and discussions were conducted on themes related to different aspects of life. Some of the topics were: Who am I? How can I become a source of inspiration for others? The importance of Team Work and Cooperation etc… On the second day of the Seminar Rev. Fr. Vernon D'Souza too joined the team. Rev. Fr. Vernon was the main celebrant of the Holy Eucharist, which was specially arranged to mark the conclusion of the Year of Youth at the Parish and to thank God for the manifold graces which they have received during the past year. Various cultural programmes and sports events, including a football match (for different units of the parish) were conducted on this occasion. In spite of these tight programmes the youth found time to elect a new team of office bearers, who would guide them in the year ahead. We congratulate the Youth, Parish Priest and Youth Coordinator of the Parish for their initiatives and commitment.
On Sunday, 09th October, 2011, 4 Sisters who belong to the Congregation of Sisters of St. Joseph's of Apparition made their Final Profession, and committed their life completely to Christ and for His mission. Most Rev. Felix Toppo, S.J. was the main celebrant at the concelebrated Holy Eucharist, in which their parents, relatives and well-wishers were present. The ceremony began with introducing the Sisters by reading out their biodata. The well arranged liturgy and the melodious singing brought a heavenly atmosphere. After the Holy Eucharist there was a short felicitation programme and thereafter all gathered to enjoy the delicious meal which was prepared to share the joy. We congratulate the Sisters who made their Final Profession.
On 11th October, 2011, Holy family Church, Rahargora, substation of St. Robert's Church, Parsudih, honoured the senior citizens of the substation and celebrated the day as Senior Citizens' Day. The celebration began with the Holy Eucharist. The elders were welcomed in the traditional way and were led to the Church with great joy. Rev. Fr. Nicholas Kerketa, the Parish Priest of St. Robert's Church, was the main celebrant. This was the first official visit of the Parish Priest to the substation. Rev. Fr. Nicholas showed his love and affection towards the elders by presenting them with Rosaries.
On the evening of Wednesday, 12th October, 2011, a special Eucharistic Celebration was arranged at Bishop’s House Community Chapel, in honour of Rev. Fr. David Vincent, who was the Diocesan Treasurer. Most Rev. Felix Toppo, SJ, was the main celebrant of the concelebrated Farewell Mass. Bishop and other Fathers who were present, thanked God for the gift of Rev. David Vincent, and him for selflessly working for the Diocese. And they also wished him cordial best wishes and Lord’s abundant blessing in the new area of work. On 13th Morning, Fr. David moved out from Bishop’s House to St. Mary’s Bistupur.
St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Golmuri

Foundation stone for the new School Auditorium was laid on 28th October, 2011. The day started with a Holy Eucharist for the Students. Most Rev. Felix Toppo, SJ, was the main celebrant. Later at 11.00 am the students and teachers along with managing committee members and representatives of Parish Council gathered for a prayer service, which was lead by Most Rev. Felix Toppo, SJ. After the prayer Bishop blessed the proposed land for the Auditorium and completed the land breaking ceremony by breaking a coconut and by digging the plot. The teachers had beautified the place with special rengoli. The students of the school too were present for the same.
Earlier on 26th October, 2011,the parishioners along with the students of the school celebrated the festival of light, DIWALI. The celebration began with the Hoy Eucharist, in which Rev. Fr. Sahay Thasan was the main celebrant. After the Holy Mass there was a short gathering and the sweets were distributed, which was sponsored by Ms. Jacky Lobo. The whole celebration was organised by the Parish Youth.
Back Home for Holidays
In the month of October, there of our Priests came to Bishop's House to spend their holidays. The Fist one to arrive was Fr. Gyan Prakash Topno. As in the previous year this year too he had to be admitted in the hospital. This year he underwent a Laparoscopic Surgery. Fr. Raju Felix Crasta reached Bishop's House on 18th October from Pune. He came to relax a bit and to refresh himself. He left for Pune on 26th to further deal with various Philosophers. Fr. Joy Paul too has reached Bishop's House as part of his holiday programme. We are happy to see you all and wish you cordial best wishes and God's abundant blessings.
Diwali Celebrations
The youth of Jamshedpur Deanery came together to celebrate Diwali in a different way. A good number of Youth, almost from all the parishes of the deanery, gathered at. St. Mary's School, Bistupur on 27th October, 2011. The gathering began at 02.00 pm. Rev. Fr. Camille Hembrom, the Dean of Jamshedpur Deanery, was the chief guest. The gathering began with a prayer service. Various competitions were conducted on the themes based on Bible. The special prayers with lighted candles in the evening brought much meaning and awareness.
Loyola School, Kumardhubi
The long awaited Elocution / Speech Contest was held on 24th September, for classes from III to XII. Group Recitation of Poem for classes III & IV was introduced for the first time. Debate competition for the Plus II students was a must watch programme. For the SPEECH contest, Classes IX & X put up a neck to neck fight. Judges came from Adra, Mugma &Maithon.
School remained closed for Puja Vacation from 1st Oct to 9th Oct. Soon after the holidays the 2nd Terminal Examinations have started.
Our Principal, Rev. Fr. Edward Saldanha, was showered with good wishes on his birthday, which was on 21st Sept. (Rita Sen)
From JDV Pune, Fr. Raju Felix Crasta writes:
Greetings…. As usual, month of October was filled with various academic activities. The month began with a Seminar by Prof. Luise David who came from the University of Manila, on the topic Political Philosophy of Hannah Arendt. This was followed by 'JDV-Sathyanilayam Inter-faculty Paper Presentation' on 3rd of October. Altogether nine scholarly papers on various philosophical issues were presented by the staff of both the faculties. Fr. Valerian Mendonca, SJ, of Jamshedpur province, presently the staff of Sathyanilayam, presented a paper on the current issues of Kandamal, a paper well appreciated by all. This was followed by my on class presentation on the courses we had previously. With this the first semester came to an end. We had fifteen days of break to begin the new session. I made a quick trip to Tata-Ranchi to fresh up my old memories. Some students had spiritual journeys, retreats and pilgrimages to Goa, Varanasi etc. Our second semester will begin on 28th of October.
Divya Bharati, Chaibasa
As part of the Diocesan Golden Jubilee Celebration, focusing on the Faith Renewal, a Training Programme for the Laity of Chaibasa Deanery was organized at Divya Bharati, from 26th to 28th October, 2011. This was done under the interest and leadership of Fr. Edwin Coelho, Dean of Chaibasa Deanery. Eighteen participants took part and benefited from it. The workshops dealt with topics such as: Faith Renewal, Methods of Prayer, the Role and Responsibility of Family and Laity in the Catholic Church, in the light of Post Vatican II. Frs Edwin Coelho, John Mundu and Bro. Bene Kichingia were the resource persons. (Fr. George Anthony)